Time: 2024-4-23 9:45:07 Readed: 270Times
Ascorbic acid is a white or slightly yellow crystals or powder,a little acid.m.p.190C-192C,easily soluble in water,a little soluble in alcohol and uneasily soluble in Ether and chlorofom and other organic solvent.In solid state it is stable in air.Its water solution is easliy mutated when it meets with air.
Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, a water-soluble dietary supplement. Vitamin C is not only an important nutrient but is also used as an antioxidant in various foods. However, it is not soluble in fat and is unstable under basic conditions. The name ascorbic means antiscurvy and denotes the ability of ascorbic to combat this disease.
Hebei longbang Technology Co., Ltd.